Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Joey-Growing Hair to Donate to Charity


Some may wonder why Joey’s hair is growing, some may not care. Regardless, I encourage all to read this inspiring story about family, love and hope.

Her name is Nicolle Williams. She is Joey’s cousin, although much more like a sister to him than an extended relative. They lived, laughed and grew together. They have had many fun times together throughout the years, even getting on each others’ nerves as young kids typically do. Nicolle is quick to smile, loves animals, and is an amazing artist with a positive soul. Laughter is always in the cards in her presence.

Unfortunately, Nicolle found a lump in her breast and went to the doctor to discover she had breast cancer. She received a double mastectomy and all went well. After her mastectomy, Nicolle returned to the doctor to talk about the reconstruction process only to find out the cancer had spread. Nicolle was devastated but determined to do everything in her power to fight it head on. Her first challenge was getting all the treatments. They left her very sick and she lost her hair. In October of 2008, Joey decided to grow his hair out in her name to donate to Locks of Love—a company that makes wigs for children with cancer. Nicolle’s second challenge was finding medical grants and other ways to pay for her treatments, as she no longer had health insurance because of the inability to work throughout this process. Every day she had the energy, Nicolle searched for funding for her treatments with grace and concern for people whom after her would have the same struggles.

February 7th through the 9th of 2010, Joey stayed with Nicolle in her home. Those few days were life changing. Joey knew Nicolle was struggling, and knew that if it were he in that predicament that Nicolle would be there for him.
Nicolle lost her battle on February 27th, 2010. Joey can still remember their last hug, and he holds all the memories with his cousin close to his heart. He had hoped Nicolle would get to see his hair donation through to fruition, but knows she is keeping a good eye on his goal, singing with the angels.

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